Sometimes I read a comment like this: „As I’m able to cast further with an (almost) rigid fly rod, this one must be more efficient than a higher flexible one”. Obviously a lot of people are focussing on the casting distance only to make a statement on efficiency and this… Weiterlesen »efficiency vs effectiveness in fly casting
Blog articles in english
Since the publication of my “Experimental investigations on the fly rod deflection” a longer time has passed and meanwhile there have been some discussions (especially on the forum) about the concept Franz- Josef and I have choosen to clarify the redistribution of angular momentum (we call it “redistribution effect”).… Weiterlesen »when the whip joins the pirouette
when the whip joins the pirouette
The Latin term „manus agere“ is often translated as „leading the hand” and is considered as the linguistic root of the “management”. Most frequently the management is used in relation to the leadership of a company, but it plays also an important role even in the private life. Especially the… Weiterlesen »manus agere
manus agere
Today it is established, that the fly rod not only stores energy (potential spring energy), but also includes a redistribution of the introduced energy – consisting the interrelation of the modification of the moment of inertia and the redistribution of angular momentum, called the redistribution effect – , which leads… Weiterlesen »input at the right time
input at the right time
When casting together with other advanced fly fishers I’m often been asked about my opinion how I think they could improve their casting. Especially seeing them going for longer casts in many cases I recommend to delay the rotation further. The astonished reactions that I get then are showing that… Weiterlesen »starting the haul for the backcast at the guide ring
starting the haul for the backcast at the guide ring
When I first stated about 10 years ago, that according to my feeling the ‘load’, deflection respectively of the fly rod could provide a significant advantage in term of minimizing the casters effort, I earned a lot of objections. A lot of people replied that the meaning of the ‘load’… Weiterlesen »feelings and facts in fly casting
feelings and facts in fly casting
Many articles about fly casting tend to focus on the rotary motion of the fly cast, since the rotation generates the velocity of the tip most. The meaning of translatory motion is often neglected for that reason. Discussions about the translatory motion are often focused on the way how the… Weiterlesen »the meaning of the translatory motion in fly casting
the meaning of the translatory motion in fly casting
This article was also published in The Loop Magazine 2017, April to July edition (page 13 and 14): Download Near the end of the year 2007 I took a private fly casting course with Uwe Rieder from Austria. After seeing my cast he stated that I could improve it by… Weiterlesen »practicing with ultra soft fly rods
practicing with ultra soft fly rods
Being asked about the right time the caster should rotate the fly rod I don’t have to think long. My answer will be that the rotation should be strongly delayed. This holds true for longer fly casts, but I personally prefer a later rotation even for medium fly casts. I’m… Weiterlesen »wait, wait, wait, … rotate !
wait, wait, wait, … rotate !
Playing with the GIMP tool (GNU Image Manipulation Program) I superimposed some pictures taken out of a casting sequence of me. I liked the result since it visualizes how the angular velocities of the mass elements on the fly rod shaft vary over the entire casting stroke. The angular velocity… Weiterlesen »angular velocities of the mass elements on the fly rod shaft